Adnan Oktar's cat honey biscuit


The most interesting characteristic of this fish, which is adorned with brilliant colours, is the place which Allah has chosen for it to live in. The clown fish lives on the branches of a plant-like creature called the "sea anemone". There are poisonous capsules on the sea anemone's branches and fish touching them are either harmed or killed. However, the clown fish never receives harm from the sea anemone. Furthermore, it takes refuge in its branches and protects itself against its predators. A special secretion peculiar to the clown fish protects it against the biting capsules of the sea anemone.
Isn't this astonishing? Unlike other fish, this fish secretes a secretion that prevents it from being harmed by the poisonous capsules in the environment in which it lives. And as if it knows that it will not be harmed, at moments of danger it immediately hides itself among these poisonous capsules. How does it know that other fish cannot approach there or that they are unable to secrete such a secretion? No doubt, neither the brain nor the skills of a little fish can grant it such knowledge. There is certainly a power that teaches it all these; this power is Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth and everything in between.

No other animal is as pleasant and friendly towards human beings as are dolphins. Their docility and friendly manners are obvious from their faces.
During delivery, first the tail, then the body and finally the head of the baby dolphin appear. In order to feed it, the mother dolphin contracts and loosens her milk glands, thereby spraying her milk into its mouth. You can compare this to squeezing a plastic bottle with your hands to spurt out the milk it contains.
Mammals do not need this spraying system to nurse their young. However, such a method is essential in water. Could the mother dolphin herself think up and develop such a system? Could it be possible that she felt the necessity for such a system and supplemented her milk glands with muscles? As you can imagine, this is implausible! As we stressed earlier, Allah created the body of the mother dolphin in a manner that is extraordinarily suitable for the baby dolphin's needs.
The respiratory system of the dolphin is also similar to that of human beings. Yet, unlike human beings, its nostrils are not in the middle of its face but on the top of its head. Like human beings, dolphins, too, inhale air before they dive under water and they retain it in their lungs and then dive. While they rise from deep underwater, just a few metres before they surface, they will breathe this air out forcefully through their blowhole.
You have probably seen on TV how effortlessly dolphins swim in water and even race with ships. They are perfect swimmers. Their smooth slippery skin is the most important reason why they are able to swim so perfectly. These features help them to glide through water and swim very fast. Another feature enabling the dolphin to swim fast is its nose, which is called a snout. A dolphin's snout has the most appropriate shape for fast swimming and has even served as a model for the design of ships. Thanks to this feature, our ships sail faster today than previously.
Do you know that dolphins are bereft of a sense of smell and that they are blind? However, Allah has granted them a very advanced sense of hearing. Dolphins can hear sounds from kilometres away. In addition to that, by means of a system existing in their body that resembles an apparatus used in submarines called "sonar", they can easily find their way and determine their prey's location. This system operates as follows: The sounds produced by the dolphin, which are inaudible to the human ear, spread in the form of underwater sound waves. When these sound waves meet a barrier, they hit it and bounce back. The time taken for the sound to strike a fish or a rock and bounce back shows the distance of the prey or the barrier. This system of dolphins inspired scientists to develop the sonar systems used in submarines.
The dolphin's strong sense of hearing protects it from falling prey to other fish in the ocean. .
The biggest inhabitants of the oceans are whales. The whale popularly known as "the blue whale" weighs more than 150000 kilograms (330600 pounds) and is more than 30 metres (1181 inches)long. To have a better grasp of the size of a whale, try to visualise a five-storey building: the blue whale is as long as a five-storey building is tall. Meanwhile, remember that this whale's weight equals the total weight of 25 to 30 elephants.
Well, how does such a giant animal manage to dive down to 800 to 1000 metres (around 2,625 feet)in depth and then resurface easily? For example, think of a ship of 150 tons (330,600 pounds) and thirty metres (100 feet) in length. If this ship sank to the bottom of the ocean - that is 1000 metres (3,280 feet) in depth - it would take a large-scale operation lasting years to re-float it. However, by the power that Allah has granted it, a whale can rise to the surface in 15 to 20 seconds. Because the bones of the whale are made of a spongy substance filled with oil, the whale can easily remain on the surface of the water.
The whale is also a very skilful diver. Allah has created a body for it that is very resistant to the great pressure in the depths of the ocean. The oxygen circulating in the blood and muscles combines with chemical substances that nourish it underwater or at times it does not breath. It has a circulatory system peculiar to it: it can send blood directly from the internal organs to the brain. This way, until the whale rises to the surface to breathe, it can send the oxygen in its body directly to the brain, the organ that needs oxygen most.
This magnificent system that amazes scientists is a manifestation of Allah's artistry. In this way, the whale can remain under the sea for more than 15 to 20 minutes without breathing.
Moreover, unlike human beings, whales aren't crippled by the bends when they rise very quickly to the surface.
You will probably ask what the bends are. The bends are a sickness that is caused after a rapid reduction in the surrounding pressure. When divers want to dive very deep underwater, they stop at certain points and make their body accustomed to that pressure in order not to be affected by alterations in pressure. This way, they can reach very great depths slowly. But remember that they need to pause and rest at certain intervals during their return to the surface. Otherwise, due to pressure differences, the veins of the diver suffer harm resulting in his death. Whales do not have such a problem, because, Allah has given living beings the features they need to survive in their particular habitats. Whales can live in oceans whereas human beings can live on land.
You probably know that whales spray water from a hole on the top of their head. Do you know that this hole is actually a nose? The whale uses its nose only to breathe. Some people think that the whale only sprays water from this hole. The truth is, the whale releases the air in its lungs. Since this air contains water vapour and is hotter than the air outside, it is perceived as water from a distance.
The body of a whale is usually in the shape of a torpedo and is extremely suitable for swimming in water. While the tails of other fish are perpendicular to the water surface, the tails of whales are horizontal and parallel with the water surface. By means of this tail, the whale pushes itself ahead in the water.
There is a layer of fat approximately 50 centimetres (20 inches) under the skin of whales. The basic function of this layer is to maintain the body temperature at around 34 to 37 degrees Centigrade (93F to 98F).
At this point, it might be useful to remind you about the following: Contrary to the prevalent conviction, the whale and other fish do not drink seawater, because salty water is injurious to organisms. For this reason, they meet their need for water from the food they take in.
Each year in December and January, grey whales departing from the North Sea migrate to the southern coasts of Northern America and reach California. Their purpose in migrating to warmer water is to give birth. What is interesting is that the pregnant mother eats nothing throughout this journey; actually, she does not need to. Throughout the long summer days, she feeds in the rich waters of the North, thereby storing more than enough energy for a long journey. As soon as the female whale reaches the coast of west Mexico, she delivers her baby. Baby whales feed on their mothers' milk and store as much fat as possible. This preparation makes them strong enough for migration, which is due to start in March.
Like other mammals, the whale also nurses her babies. But, the babies cannot suck milk since they run the risk of swallowing seawater. As we mentioned before, salty seawater is injurious to whales. Interestingly, as with the dolphin, a muscle surrounds the milk glands of female whales. When the mother whale contracts this muscle, the resultant pressure enables the mother to spray the milk directly into her baby's mouth. This milk is dissimilar to the milk with which we are familiar. It is almost in a solid state and is quite fatty. Thanks to these features, the milk never mixes with the seawater. This substance the baby drinks-in fact, "eats"-dissolves in the stomach. This dissolved food also meets the water needs of the baby whale. As we have seen, Allah has provided baby whales with the most perfect nourishment.
The greasy, transparent secretion covering the eyes of the whale protects it from the harmful effects of the seawater. The whale has a keen sense of touch and hearing. It finds its direction in water by following the echoes of the sounds it makes. The working principle of this sense is similar to that of radar. In fact, this feature of whales has become the inspiration for the development of radar. Scientists believe that these sounds made by the whales constitute a very complex language. This language is important in the interaction and communication among them.

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Adnan Oktar's cat, brother of honey biscuit: caramel biscuit

Animals that travel

There are many migratory animals in nature: Birds, butterflies, turtles, salmon and eels are only a few of them. The distances these animals travel during migration is expressed in thousands, even in tens of thousands of kilometers. Do you know how does the new generation of Monarchs that has never before gone on a migratory flight know the way? The migration story of Monarch butterflies and the wondrous journey of the salmon will fascinate you!

Animals that can hide

Allah has created all animate beings with features that differ according to the environment in which they live. Every living thing uses these features to protect itself or to hunt. Some conceal themselves with expert techniques of hiding themselves or in another name camouflage. Some turn to mimicry and others employ different intelligent tactics.You will see some fascinating animal features in this film, and will watch examples of the art of Allah's creation in nature.

A journey in the world of animals

We know that we, and all other living beings, are created by God. Furthermore, God meets all the needs of all the beings. Thanks to His infinite mercy and compassion, we live in this world in peace and happiness. So now let’s examine some animals and their life cycles. There are countless miracles in the world of animals.

A voyage through the universe

The huge void containing our Earth, the Sun that warms us, and the Moon and the stars that twinkle in the night sky, is known as the universe. But how big is it? You may think that the area from one end of the city you live in, to the other end, is very large. Some of you may have traveled from one end to the other of your country and you have seen how big it is. Some of you may even have traveled to far-off countries. But, do not forget… Even if you have gone all around the world, the distances involved are still nothing compared to the vastness of the universe. The space occupied by the Earth in the universe is no bigger than a grain of sand!

Let's get to know our Prophets

Prophets have called people, in the societies where they have been sent, to worship God. They have told the people that they will be punished if they do not worship Him.

With their superior, moral characteristics, prophets have been examples to people because of their closeness to God and carefully-considered behavior.

Now, let’s get to know some of these prophets; let’s see what they have said to their peoples and find out about the things they did which we can use as examples.

Knowing our lord

Who created you? Who gave you your hair and your eyes their color? Who said how tall you would be and what color your skin would be? And, Who created your mother, your father and your friends? Who created mountains, trees, the sea, the Sun, and the Moon? Who created cats and dogs, squirrels, giraffes, and the other creatures?

Most of you will all answer these questions in the same way: “God created us and everything else.” Of course, this is the right answer! So, how well do you know Almighty God, the Creator of us and the whole universe? God has revealed Himself to us in the Qu’ran. In this film, we will get to know God through the verses of the Qu’ran and try to get closer to Him.

Life in the seas

The schools we study in, the parks where we play, the air we breathe, the sky above, the mountains with peaks, the rivers with rushing waters are all things of our world. Other entities, apart from us, also live on the Earth. Birds, zebras, elephants, giraffes, cats… Trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables… Yet, there is also another world that these plants and animals, including us, cannot live in!

God has created them in an ideal form to live in the seas and oceans. There are entities also here. Let us now take a short trip and get to know some of the creatures that live in the sea.

Mother's love and solidarity

Once you were all cute little kids. Your mother and your father looked after you very well and protected you from every danger. You grew up. The cute little animals you see are still babies… They need to be fed and protected. Their parents will protect them from danger, feed them, and make big sacrifices for them. Come on, let’s see together the sacrifices that animals make for their young and the solidarity and care they have for one another.

Our cute friends

Dear Children! In this film, we will watch penguins displaying self-sacrifice for their young and cute beavers building wonderful dams and lodges. Throughout the film, we will see these creatures, as well as ourselves, are created by God. All beauties and living beings in nature demonstrate to us God’s greatness. What we should do is to remember His existence all the time and be thankful to Him for all the blessings He has given us.

The blessings around us

The fact of creation

Don’t forget that when we look at a beautiful painting, we must praise not the painting itself but the artist who made it. In the face of the wondrous creation in the world of nature, we must praise the Creator Who made it all and revealed it to us. Every creature on earth is a proof of His power and creative artistry. Without a doubt it is Almighty God Who created us, loves us and gives us all our many blessings.